Welcome to the Hamlet of Tulita

Public Works

Tulita’s Public Works Department is under direction of a Foreman reporting to the Hamlet’s SAO. The Department is responsible for the operation, delivery, maintenance and repair of all public works services provided to the municipality’s residents. Department employees perform essential services and are highly motivated, knowledgeable, and committed to excellence in service delivery.

Services provided include:

  • maintenance and repair of streets, gutters, sidewalks, parks, campgrounds, walking paths, arena, pool, additional recreation facilities, Hamlet administration building, and other Hamlet properties
  • operation and maintenance of the Hamlet’s water delivery system; repair of water pumps, waste water lines, heating and electrical malfunctions
  • snow removal and dust control
  • operation and maintenance of the Hamlet’s solid waste disposal site, wastewater lagoon and storm sewer
  • trimming of grass and trees, watering plants, keeping signs in repair, garbage removal from public areas, dock repairs, and painting

A most important responsibility of the Public Works Department is year-round maintenance of the Tulita Airport, to ensure safe landing and take-off of airplanes and safety of travellers, in accordance with contract obligations between the Hamlet and the NWT Department of Infrastructure.

Contact Information

  • Jason Ayah- Public Works Foreman Assistant
  • Phone : 867-374-0335
  • Email: assistantforeman@hamletoftulita.ca