- Angus Lennie Consulting
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Independent Consulting
- Contact: Angus Lennie
- Phone: NA
- BJ Services
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Municipal Services, Catering and Retail
- Contact: Megan McPherson
- Phone: 1-867-588-3504
- Blueridge Enterprise
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: General Construction
- Contact: Rodrick Yallee
- Phone: 1-867-588-3068
- Central Mackenzie Environmental LTD
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Environmental Consulting and Waste Management
- Contact: John Oldfield
- Phone: 1-867-873-5263
- Cornerstone Oilfield Services LTD
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Equipment Rentals and Support Services Provider
- Contact: Lisa Iliopoulos
- Phone: 1-867-374-1952 or 1-867-588-3001
- Drum Lake Lodge
- Location: Tulita/Drum Lake
- Type of Business: Aboriginal Tourism, Catering, Meeting on the Land Programs
- Contact: Judith Wright Bird
- Phone: 1-867-588-3691
- Empire Drywall LTD
- Location: Edmonton
- Type of Business: Drywall and Insulation Contractors
- Contact: Kathy Kirby
- Phone: 1-780-944-0186
- HRN Labour Services LTD
- Location: Norman Wells NT
- Type of Business: Heavy Equipment, Construction, Earthworks, Winter Road and Gravel Crushing
- Contact: Ryan Hall CFO
- Phone: 1-780-408-1872
- Kalo Due Limited Partnership
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: General Contractor, Heavy civil Construction
- Contact: James Mendo
- Phone: 1-867-588-3745
- Kalo Stanec
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Environmental Services
- Contact: Megan McPherson
- Phone: 1-867-588-3504 or 1-867-447-4636
- MacKay Range Development Corporation
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Development Corporation
- Contact: Rosalee Andrew
- Phone: 1-867-588-3051
- Menacho Rentals
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Civil Construction and Rentals
- Contact: Rena Chapple
- Phone: 1-867-444-0787
- MYB Construction
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Construction
- Accounts Manager: Roy Desjarlais
- Phone 1-867-588-3048
- Old Fort Logging
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Logging
- Contact: Garrett Yakeleya
- Phone: 1-867-588-4279 or 1-867-374-0587
- Red Dog Mountain Contracting
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Municipal Water Contract
- Contact: Danny Yakeleya
- Phone: 1-780-233-3919
- Sahde Travel LTD
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Travel
- Contact: Rosalee Andrew
- Phone: 1-867-588-3051
- Sahtu Cleaning Services
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Carpet Cleaning, Tank Cleaning, Furnace, and Dust Cleaning
- Contact: Fabian Bird
- Phone: 1-867-588-3691
- The Northwest Company LP
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Food and General Merchandise
- Contact: The North West Company
- Phone: 1-867-588-4331
- Tourism Tulita Incorporated
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Tourism
- Contact: Rosalee Andrew
- Phone: 1-867-588-3051
- Tulita Land and Financial Corporation
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Land and Financial Matters
- Contact: Lorraine Doctor
- Phone: 1-867-588-3734
- Tulita Forest Products LTD
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Forestry
- Contact: Rosalee Andrew
- Phone: 1-867-588-3051
- Tulita Gravel and Concrete LTD
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Gravel and Concrete
- Contact: Rosalee Andrew
- Phone: 1-867-588-3051
- Tulita Monitoring Services
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: General Contracting
- Contact: Stella Bayha Yallee
- Phone: 1-867-588-4724
- Tulita Renewable Resources Council
- Location: Tulita NT
- Manager: Stella Bayha-Yallee
- Phone: 1-867-588-4724
- Income Assistance: Rosa Etchinelle
- Phone: 1-867-588-3211
- Tulita Waste and Disposal LTD
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Sewage pump out Services
- Contact: Cecil Matthews
- Phone: 1-587-337-9242
- Willowlake Environmental LTD
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Seismic Line Cutting, Pipeline, Tental, Remediation Clean-up and General Contracting.
- Contact: James Mendo
- Phone: 1-867-588-3745
- Wrights Convenience Store
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Convenience Store/Takeout
- Contact: Judith Wright – Bird
- Phone: 1-867-588-4927
- 507244 NWT LTD
- Location: Tulita NT
- Type of Business: Reclamation
- Contact: Rosalee Andrew
- Phone: 1-867-588-3051