Welcome to the Hamlet of Tulita

About Tulita

The Land

Tulı́tʼa, which in Dene language means “where the two rivers meet” is a Hamlet in the Sahtu Region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. It was formerly known as Fort Norman until January 1st, 1996 when it reverted back to it’s traditional Dene name. Tulı́tʼa is located at the junction of the Great Bear River and the Mackenzie River; the Bear River originating from the Keith Arm of Great Bear Lake, the location of another Sahtu Comunity – Deline.

Tulı́tʼa is in an area known as the Boreal Forest and is well south of the tree line. Permafrost underlays much of the area. The Franklin Mountain Range runs parallel to the east side of the Mackenzie River, northwest of Tulı́tʼa . Tulı́tʼa as a community faces the Mackenzie Mountains to the west, an area which is world renown for Dall sheep, woodland caribou and fast flowing mountain rivers.

Tulı́tʼa sits across the Bear River from Great Bear Rock, the southern prominence of the Franklin Mountains. This place is of great significance to all Dene peoples around the north. This sacred place connects Tulita to Yamoria; the Great Law Giver. Visitors to Tulita, are encouraged to call the Hamlet or Band Office to connect with local story tellers.

Tulı́tʼa has a population of approximately 500 residents. Common languages spoken are North Slavey and English. Tulı́tʼa’s population is composed of Dene, Metis and non-indigenous people. Notable locals have included Ethel Blondin-Andrew, Canada’s first aboriginal female Member of Parliament, Frank Andrew, Local chief and political leader, Paul Andrew, radio and television journalist, and Hollywood star, Leslie Nielsen, who lived as a boy with his RCMP father who was stationed in Tulita.

The People and Culture

Since time immemorial, these lands were used and cared for by the Sahtu Dene people who seasonally traveled through their traditional areas, as the land could not support them living in a permanent settlement. Throughout the year, the Dene people would meet and discuss what and who they had seen on the land. Traditional knowledge was shared and changes were noted and adopted after discussion with the Elders.

It was not until the coming of European explorers, missionaries and the Hudson Bay Company, that permanent settlements began to emerge. It is documented that the Hudson Bay Company first had a post in present day Tulita in 1869. The oldest Church in the North West Territories was built in 1880 in Tulita by Alan Hardisty, and is now a recognized as a Heritage Site.

The Sahtu Dene People were not prepared for the diseases brought by the southern travelers. It is well documented that thousands of people died due to influenza epidemics. The Roman Catholic Church began to lobby the Government of Canada to reach a Treaty Agreement so that the Dene would receive some support and relief from their situation. There is a belief that the Treaty 11 Party was finally dispatched in 1921, along the Mackenzie River due to the ‘discovery’ of oil in Norman Wells. Also in the 1920’s geologists began surveying the Sahtu which resulted in the ‘discovery’ of Uranium at Great Bear Lake.

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